Beat the Bully

19 09 2013


Those who bully the weak are cowards before the strong  Chinese proverb

Every day people have to deal with bullying. Whether it’s at school, the workplace, home or online, it’s all the same. I doubt there are many people who haven’t experienced bullying in one form or another.

Daily I read of cases now where online bullying by anonymous individuals has damaged peoples lives, sometimes fatally and I wonder what those responsible get out of it? When it was a matter of being a bully in person there were those that would relish the discomfort and pain they put others through. Whether it’s a persons size, speech, colour, sexuality or gender, the bully can always find something to target to make the victims life hell. Now, with online social media they can do the same from the comfort of their bedroom, seemingly safe in their anonymity until the police come knocking. But we can’t trace everyone but the most severe online offenders and this is just a drop in the ocean. How much goes unreported with victims suffering in silence?

Domestic violence is no different in my view. The aggressor putting the victim in fear of constant verbal and physical violence. Over the years I have sadly seen countless cases of beaten women and, on occasion men, who will not go against their partner and become so institutionalised to the cycles of violence that they still say, “But I love him”.

Most cases of murder are committed where the offender is known to the victim and a large number are between partners. Similarly, a proportion of rapes go unreported because the victim is in a relationship where the violence linked to sex becomes the norm and they are told that ‘no-one would ever believe them’.

What can be done? There is the support out there for victims no matter what their age. Schools have policies and procedures in place, the police are there to deal with crime and other agencies can help in many ways. But this often falls to the victim to find the strength to make the first move and seek help. I believe that it is the responsibility of everyone to beat bullying in all forms and to ensure that those that need it have the support they need. It is too easy to turn a blind eye and think someone else will step in and deal with a problem.

Sometimes by the time they do it’s too late.



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